PROOFREADING ChecklisT                          



·         Is every sentence clear and easy to understand?


·         Do my sentences and paragraphs connect coherently with effective transitions from idea to idea? Do I avoid abrupt shifts and awkward transitions?


·         Is my writing economical and concise or do I waste words? Which sentences can I shorten to make more effective?


·         Is my tone appropriately formal? Too formal and stilted? Overly casual?


·         Is there variety in the length of my sentences? Do I vary the structure of my sentences?


·         Do I say something new and important in each sentence, or do I repeat myself?


·         In every sentence, do I say what I intend to say or do I settle for something close?


·         Do I use direct quotes and paraphrases effectively?


·         Are my sentences interesting and creative? Are some of them striking and memorable




·         Are all my sentences complete? Any accidental fragments?


·         Is my verb tense consistent throughout the paper?


·         Do all my verbs agree with their subjects?


·         Are the antecedents for all my pronouns clear? Is it clear what the pronouns refer to?


·         Do my pronouns agree with their antecedents in number?


·         Are all my modifying words, phrases, and clauses correctly placed? Do they clearly modify the word or phrase they are supposed to?




·         Do I use the precise word every time? Am I sure of the definitions of the words I’ve used?


·         Can I replace any word with one that is more precise, clear, or vivid?


·         Am I aware of the connotations of the words I use?


·         Have I left out any words I meant to include? Have I left words in I meant to delete?


·         Do I avoid technical jargon and slang that might be unfamiliar to my reader?


·         Do I avoid clichés and bland, overused expressions?




·         Have I spelled every word correctly? (Don’t trust your spell-checker — it doesn’t catch homophones and any typos that result in another word.)


·         Does every sentence end in a full stop (or question mark or exclamation mark)?


·         Have I followed the rules for comma use?


·         Have I correctly punctuated and formatted all my quotations?


·         Have I capitalized properly?


·         Have I avoided unnecessary abbreviations?


·         Do I indent consistently to begin all new paragraphs?


·         Are my paragraph breaks where they should be?


·         Is my font simple and a consistent 10- or 12-point size?

