Basic Essay Writing technique

Basic Essay writing technique


      In your introduction you should provide a thesis statement* which refers to the point(s) in the question, answering the question in this opening paragraph, if possible.

      You should progress (develop) your argument by building on points from paragraph to paragraph.

      Signpost new paragraphs clearly by leaving a line gap or indenting.  You do not have to do both.  Also, don’t be tempted to start a new line just because you are beginning a new sentence.

      Don’t digress: each of you paragraphs should be focused on the topic of the question.  Use actual wording from the question from time to time so that you don’t go off the point.

      Be logical: if you are analysing a chapter, discuss it in chronological order; focus on what happens at the beginning, then the middle, then the end.

      Use discourse markers to make your points fluently and clearly.  Phrases and connectives help you to make sense when discussing points in a text or linking ideas in and between paragraphs.  These will also help the reader to ‘navigate’ your essay.  For example:


At the beginning of the chapter/ poem…

At the start of…

At first / firstly…



Later on in the text… Further on…

Next we see…

Subsequent paragraphs… Secondly…


At the end of the chapter…

As the text draws to a close… In conclusion / To conclude

Finally / My final point is…


Similarly / Likewise

In addition / additionally



As well as this





Even though

As a result

Due to (the fact that)

Since / Because

Consequently / As a consequence



      Support your points with evidence– remember the PEEL format.

      Ideally, you should re-read what you write after each paragraph to check it makes sense and to help focus you on what to put in the next section of your discussion.  In the very least, leave time to scan through the whole essay to check it is clear.

      If relevant, include at least one point of counter argument (antithesis) in your essay to show that you are capable to balanced evaluative thought, and are able to consider other possible viewpoints.

      Always write a conclusion, even if you are short of time.  You must frame your essay by ending it neatly, referring back to the main point(s) in the question.  

      And finally, above all…if you are unsure of something, or uncertain about what you want to write, don’t write it.  Keep your points simple in this case, and don’t try to use vocabulary that you don’t understand.


*A thesis statement is the statement that begins a formal essay or argument, or that describes the central argument of your discussion.
